Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Walking 1000 miles

A lot has been said about walking long distances.  Werner Herzog said that a film student should be allowed to submit an application only after having travelled, alone and on foot, let’s say from Madrid to Kiev, a distance of nearly two thousand miles.

Lao Tzu said the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

And, of course, The Proclaimers sang of walking 500 miles just to fall down at a door.  

But why I have decided to do so is less about lofty goals and more about the easy victories.  The recognition that we can get out and walk.  It is healthy for our hearts, lungs and brains, and if we can do it outside, so much the better.  

So let's start walking our 1000 miles.  Some days will be fast, others slow.  Some of us will finish faster than others. Some days will be in new, maybe exotic locations, and others will be just one more walk around the neighborhood block. Many of my walks will be with Lola, our dog, so many of my walks will involve a lot of time sniffing.

And that's fine.  We all have our own journeys, but every journey is better to have someone to walk with for a part of it. Join me: comment, use the hashtag #walking1000, or just go for a stroll. Lola will be ready.